
Membership to the club is held for one year. Your annual dues (currently $70) are to be paid by March 31. After that date, if the club membership level is below its limit (currently set at 500), then the club will open membership until the limit is reached.
Current members must fill out the renewal form, available below, and mail to the address below along with their check for $70.00. Annual dues for wounded veterans of all wars is $25.00.
New members must apply for membership. Please see the MEMBERSHIP section below for details.

Winnipesaukee Sportsmen’s Club
PO Box 192
Moultonboro, NH 03254


Membership to the Winnipesaukee Sportsmen’s Club will open on April 1 of any given year. The Club opens its’ membership when the membership level is below its limit. To become a member of the WSC you must fill out an application and mail the completed application, including your Sponsor’s information, along with a check for $30.00 to:

Winnipesaukee Sportsmen’s Club
PO Box 192
Moultonboro, NH 03254

The application requires that you have a Sponsor, a member of the club who can verify that they have known you for at least a year and have witnessed you shoot firearms is a safe manner. Your sponsor must fill out the Sponsor Form found at the end of this section. It is the applicant’s responsibility to make certain that the Sponsor Form is submitted. If you do not have a Sponsor, please review the NON-MEMBERS section below.
Your application will be processed in the order in which we received it until the maximum capacity of the club is reached. Once the maximum capacity is reached, we will no longer accept new applications and the application form will be removed from the website. If the application form is not shown below than we are not accepting new applications. The application fee will be returned to any application not processed.

One-day Membership

One-day /One Day Jr Membership
Anyone passing beyond the front of the WSC Clubhouse must be a WSC Member, a One-Day Member/One-Day Junior Member.
The conditions for a One-Day/One-Day Jr. Memberships are as follows:
• The individual being sponsored must be 18 years old or older.
• The sponsor must be a current member in good standing.
• Fill out and sign the One-Day/One Day Jr Membership application and Hold Harmless Waiver. •Pay the $5 One-Day Membership fee.
• Sign in on the One-Day members log at the club house.
• Place the documents and fee in an envelope and place the envelope in the lock box at the club house.
• The sponsor must remain with the one-day member while at the club.
The conditions for a One-Day Junior Membership are:
• Individual must be between 12 and 17 years of age.
• Fill out and sign the One-Day/One Day Jr Membership application and Hold Harmless Waiver.
• Parent, grandparent, or legal guardian must complete the under 18 years of age section of the Hold Harmless Waiver.
• Members may only sponsor 2 one-day members per day. (A total of 2 including One-Day Junior Members).
• Pay the $5.00 One-Day Membership fee.
• Place all documents and fee in an envelope and deposit in the lock box at the club house.
• Sign in on the One-Day Membership log.
• The Sponsor must always accompany the One-Day Junior Member while on the club property. • One-Day Jr. Members are not entitled to bring a guest.
• Members may only sponsor 2 one-day junior members per day. (A total of 2 including One-Day Members).

Junior Members

The WSC has a Junior Membership program. To be eligible, a Junior member must be a child, grandchild, or a ward of an active WSC member between the ages of 12 and 17. The youth and the parent, grandparent, or legal guardian must attend an NRA Youth Training class at the club. For more information, please contact us.


Non-Members are not allowed on club property. If you are not a member and wish to participate in a club event, or join a Member on the range, you must become a One-Day Member (18 or older) or a One-Day Junior Member (12-17 years of age). The fee for a one-day membership is $5.00 and the forms to apply for a one-day membership are available below and at the club house.
If you do not have a sponsor to use in the application process, please consider the following. In this process you will be able to meet club members and participate in shooting events that may lead to sponsorship. If you are a novice, then we suggest that you review the education section of our website. We offer instruction on the safe handling and operation of firearms which may also lead to sponsorship.
The WSC welcomes Non-Members that have experience in shooting to participate in shooting events at the club under the following conditions:
• Email the club at 48 hours in advance of the event.
• Arrive at the club 45 minutes before the event starts.
• Participants between 12 and 17 years of age must be accompanied by a parent, grandparent or legal guardian participating in the event.
• Complete and sign the necessary One-Day Membership papers.
• Pay the One-Day Membership fee and the event fee.
• Place the documents and fee in an envelope and place the envelope in the lock box at the club house.
Events open to non-members are listed on the website calendar unless noted “not open to the public.” The Range Safety Officer assigned to the event will make the determination if the non-member may participate in the event. You must make arrangements with the club to gain access to the property.
For more information, please contact us through this website.